Change your Mind, Change your Life

“PSYCH-K® represents one of the most important, efficient, effective, and rapid change processes that is available on this planet today.”
– Bruce H. Lipton PhD., author of bestselling book, “The Biology of Belief”

Do you have audacious goals, but when it comes time to show up, you find yourself drowning in self-sabotage and procrastination?

Do you long for success but secretly feel like you are unworthy?

Do you journal, meditate, create affirmations, and yet repeatedly fall victim to the same old fears and habits that end up holding you back?

Do you long for a loving relationship, and yet seem to attract the wrong partner?

Do your problems persist despite your motivation and effort to change?

Maybe your dream is to create a successful business and achieve financial freedom, but you fear losing your freedom or looking like an impostor.

Or maybe you know all the things that you need to do, but you find yourself frozen in a state of inaction.

Your beliefs create your reality

If things are not working out the way you desire, it is likely due to your subconscious beliefs. According to neuroscientists, between 95-99% of your life is run from programming in your subconscious mind. This means that most of your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and actions are beyond your conscious awareness. In fact, that is what subconscious means. The prefix sub means below. So, the word subconscious implies activity taking place below the level of conscious awareness.

Think of the subconscious as being more like the hard drive in your personal computer, a place for storing memories and outdated programs. It is not that the subconscious is actively trying to keep you from being happy or successful, it is simply running old programs that produce that effect.

Most popular self-help approaches, such as visualization, affirmations, willpower, and positive thinking fall short because they are run from the conscious (5%) mind. They require that you be constantly and consistently present with your desired outcome.

You can consciously desire a goal, but if it conflicts with your subconscious programming you will likely fall short.

“To change the printout of the body, you must learn to rewrite the software of the mind.”
– Deepak Chopra, M.D., Perfect Health, 1990

What is PSYCH-K®?

PSYCH-K®, a proven form of energy psychology, is a simple, yet powerful method to quickly and easily change outdated subconscious perceptions and beliefs that may be sabotaging your goals in life.

The processes used in PSYCH-K® integrates both hemispheres of the brain, producing a Whole-Brain State. This balanced state allows you to consciously and intentionally release any subconscious limitations that are blocking you from achieving your goals and replace them with empowering beliefs that support the change you want to create in your life. The results of a PSYCH-K® balance may be felt and experienced very quickly or may evolve over time.

How is PSYCH-K® different?

With so many options for healing available, how do you know which is best? 

In my experience, most other modalities do not deal directly with shifting the specific beliefs that will support you achieving your goals and dreams. PSYCH-K® works directly with the subconscious. With PSYCH-K®, you can facilitate many changes in a matter of a few sessions. Changes that can take months or even years to achieve in traditional methods can happen in just three to six sessions with PSYCH-K®.

Most traditional forms of therapy are conscious based, which means you are only addressing 5% of the mind. This model relies heavily on insight, awareness, reason, and willpower and seldom results in lasting change. Knowing the cause of a problem seldom changes its effect.

There are many types of energy work, such as Reiki, that support shifting energy, but that is all they do. These approaches simply focus on releasing or getting rid of a problem. Energy work falls short in that it oftentimes does not allow the individual a chance to reprogram their beliefs and so that energy is likely to return.

What does a session look like?

We will begin with a real conversation about how your life is currently and how you would like your life to be. This process begins to shed light on the dis-empowering beliefs, experiences, and negative self-talk that are keeping your from achieving your goals.

The PSYCH-K® process uses muscle testing (kinesiology) to connect directly with your subconscious mind. Muscle testing is a form of biofeedback much like a polygraph machine. When the mind is holding a stressful thought, an electrical conflict is created in the brain and the signal strength to the body is reduced, resulting in a weakened muscle response. The same thing happens when a person makes a statement with which the subconscious mind disagrees. The conflict between the conscious and subconscious mind results in a weakened response in the muscles of the body.

Together we will determine whether a belief or perception of an experience requires balancing. Next, we will confirm that it is safe and appropriate for your highest good to be balanced. After the PSYCH-K® balance, we will confirm that the balance is complete, and that the new belief or perception has been programmed to the subconscious mind.

To help your new beliefs and perceptions become part of your reality, we will create small, inspired action steps to reinforce to the conscious mind that things are changing. It is important to remember that while balancing creates change at the subconscious level, you create results through your actions at the conscious level.

Are you ready to change your life?